I’m excited to share some profound insights and reflections from my recent conversation with Marissa Nash on the Collecting Wisdom podcast. We delved deep into the transformative power of yoga and how it can lead us on a journey of self-discovery and healing. 

Yoga found me at a pivotal time in my life, offering me a path of self-discovery and healing. At the age of 15, I was captivated by the beauty and grace of Rachael Welch and Jane Fonda. Their influence led me to my first yoga book, which happened to include a Bikram sequence. Practicing those poses daily, I felt a growing connection to my body and spirit.

A few years later, I moved to London and discovered a yoga studio that became my sanctuary. Under the guidance of my teacher, Godfrey Devereux, and later, Katya, I immersed myself in regular practice. Yoga became the place where I met myself, helping me heal from a dissociative way of being and grounding me in my body.

Discovering Kundalini Yoga

My journey with Kundalini Yoga began in Los Angeles, where I was drawn to the radiant energy of practitioners around me. My first class with Guru Singh was a revelation. Kundalini Yoga, with its emphasis on energy sensitivity and chanting, was unlike anything I had experienced before. It taught me to dissolve old emotional patterns and expand my awareness, leading to profound personal transformation.

Kundalini Yoga stimulates the nervous and glandular systems, creating a powerful impact on the energy body. This practice is prescriptive, targeting specific areas like the kidneys, liver, and nervous system, balancing the body and mind through dynamic exercise, breathwork, and relaxation.

The Power of Breath and Timing in Kundalini Yoga

Breathwork is a cornerstone of Kundalini Yoga, serving as a bridge between our inner and outer worlds. By consciously directing our breath, we can shift our energy, release tension, and connect with a deeper sense of peace. Timing is also crucial in this practice. For instance, an 11-minute meditation helps us access our essential self, while a 22-minute practice balances the mind, reconnecting brain pathways for clarity and positivity.

Embracing Change and Transformation

Change is inevitable, but how we respond to it makes all the difference. Yoga teaches us to embrace change with an open heart and a curious mind. Instead of resisting or fearing the unknown, we learn to flow with it, trusting that every experience is an opportunity for growth.

In my own journey, the moments of greatest transformation have often come when I stepped out of my comfort zone and embraced the unknown. These experiences have revealed new strengths, insights, and aspects of myself that I never knew existed.

The Importance of Personal Practice and Community

Both Marissa and I emphasized the significance of personal practice and a supportive community in deepening one’s yoga journey. Consistency in practice cultivates resilience and inner strength, while community provides encouragement and a sense of belonging.

Being part of a supportive community reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles and triumphs. It fosters a collective energy that uplifts and inspires, helping us navigate life’s challenges with grace.

A Call to Action

As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of life, I invite you to embrace the power of transformation. Whether you’re new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, know that every step you take on this path is a step toward greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

Take a moment today to connect with your breath, move your body, and reflect on the changes you wish to invite into your life. Remember, transformation is a journey, and every moment is an opportunity to grow and evolve.

For those interested in deepening their practice, I encourage you to explore my beginner series on breath practices on Glo. If you’re looking to dive deeper, consider joining my upcoming Kundalini and the Radiant Body immersion in September. Stay updated on community gatherings and other opportunities to practice here

Thank you for being part of this beautiful journey with me. Let’s continue to support and inspire each other as we embrace the power of transformation together.