Sat Nam Fest 2020

Malibu Canyon Camp Lawrence Daley at Mt. Craig, 26801 Dorothy Dr, Calabasas, CA, United States

Sat Nam Fest Malibu Canyon is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the joy, transformation, and rejuvenation of Kundalini Yoga, sacred chant, and creativity as you re-discover and return to your true self. Whether you are an experienced yogi, or this is your first timepracticing Kundalini Yoga, you can create your perfect yogic experience at Sat Nam Fest! With a variety of teachers, workshops, […]

Hanuman Festival

Boulder High School 1604 Arapahoe Av, Boulder, CO, United States

Join us in beautiful Boulder, Colorado for Hanuman Festival 2020, a yoga and music festival. Open your heart and experience awakening, belonging and connection in a four day celebration of world-class yoga, mind-blowing music, inspirational experiences and nourishing community

3HO Summer Solstice Sadhana Celebration

Guru Ram Das Puri Guru Ram Das Ct, Santa Cruz, NM, United States

3HO’s Summer Solstice Celebration is a 9-day spiritual gathering in the high desert mountains of New Mexico. It is a rare opportunity to cleanse the mind, go beyond ego and feel your spirit soar. Based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, the Summer Solstice experience includes Kundalini Yoga workshops, White Tantric Yoga®, Morning Sadhana, Live […]

7-Day At Home Mini Retreat


In this exciting and comprehensive workshop, Kia shares her deep experience and love of yoga providing keys to thriving in these turbulent times. This workshop includes vinyasa flow yoga, kundalini kriyas, breathwork, and meditation.




Together let us raise our frequency to live more effectively in these challenging times.
Access the doorway to better decisions, to enhanced creativity, and to heightened states of awareness.
Learn healing breath sequences and meditations designed to transform stress and unlock the wisdom and potential within. Register now for the 7-Day Mini Home Retreat with Kia Miller


Meditation and The Mind: Awakening Our Spiritual Heart


Awakening Our Spiritual Heart
The purpose of this immersion is to light the fire of your inner inquiry, to help you establish and deepen a meditation practice, overcome inner resistance, and discover the joy and infinite opportunities that exist when you gain access to the higher mind. Become more skillful in decision making. Awaken to higher wisdom and creativity. Learn a variety of meditation techniques and their purpose. Apply these ideas and principles of mediation in your own practice, life and teaching.


FREE MASTERCLASS with Kia Miller! How to Access the Flow State 


This 1-hour Masterclass is designed to empower you with an understanding of how to use kriya, breath, movement, focus and inner stillness to access a flow state.
Come learn strategies to bring the possibility of flow into your life every day so that it becomes your way of being. This state is not available for just a few. It is something anyone can experience and build upon.
